News 2018


Welcome to the Banbury Branch News Page for 2018

Stedman Quarter Weekend     Jack and new brother    Addebury bells silent Quarter peals                               Congratulations


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Stedman Quarter Peal Weekend (Sept 1st and 2nd)

We’ve almost certainly lost more quarters of Stedman, and particularly Stedman Doubles, than any other single method, so we thought it was time to get to grips with this elusive method. Perhaps a day of Stedman quarters would concentrate minds and bring results. Originally 6 were planned for Saturday – 4 of Doubles and 2 of Triples. Then several ringers dropped out so one attempt of Triples had to be cancelled. That’s when we decided to make a weekend of it and really push our luck with an attempt at Caters on Sunday afternoon. In total 24 Branch members took part, although unfortunately 6 of these were only in the 2 unsuccessful quarters. We were very pleased with the overall result, although it must be admitted that Doubles still proved to be our weakness!                                Lionel Smith
See Peals page for  details.                                                                                                              

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New brother for Jack

Steeple Aston ringer Jack Knowles is  pictured here with his new brother Mylo Edward. This is the first baby born to a Steeple Aston ringer for 27 years.

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Adderbury bells silent until the end of the year

Adderbury bells have fallen silent until the end of the year until some maintenance work has been completed on the spire and tower. In order to undertake the work the whole of the tower and spire have been wrapped in scaffolding making a very impressive sight as you approach the church from various directions.

This view of the tower is one of several sent in by Trevor Trivett

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Branch Quarter Peal Fortnight

A concentrated period of quarter peal ringing is often a good way to make progress in change ringing and this year our Spring Quarter Peal Fortnight records success in a number of areas. Fourteen year old Hannah, from Steeple Aston, achieved a very creditable quarter at her first attempt and Jack, also from Steeple Aston, went to the neighbouring tower of North Aston to ring his first inside. Kevin, a Cropredy ringer, scored his first quarter when he covered to Bob Doubles at his home tower – not quite at his first attempt as that one failed during the first week, but fortunately we were able to re-schedule for the last day of the fortnight. There were a number of other firsts, as will be seen from the footnotes to the individual quarters.
We had a quarter of the appropriately named Dragon Place Doubles planned for St Georges Day so, by happy coincidence, we were also able to mark the birth of a son to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
In total 12 quarters were scored, ranging from Doubles to Royal, at 12 different Branch towers and involving 33 Branch members.                                                                                               Liz Smith

(see Peas & Quarter page for details)

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Congratulations to Alan and Margaret Griffin who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on February 24th. They were joined for lunch at Lyneham Golf Club with friends from across the 50 years.
The following day Alan showed just how good married life and Margaret’s puddings have been by ringing the tenor at Bloxham to a quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Major (see peals page).

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