Reverend Sue Burchell was our Branch Chairperson for over 15 years. Sue sadly died in August 2021. She was an experienced ringer and long serving member of the Banbury branch who was very supportive of the ringing activities.
At Sue’s funeral, a collection fund was made. Consideration of options was taken, as to how to use this fund in her memory. With some further donations and branch funds it was finally agreed to purchase a model bell as a training and demonstration aid for use of our branch members.
In April 2023, the model was collected and presented at the Branch AGM where it was renamed as “Sue’s Bell” and bears an added dedication plaque.
Thanks are given to everyone who contributed to the fund; to Rev Robin Noble for the model and to Keith Thomas for the plaque.
Enquiries for the use and loan of the bell to:
Heather Bletchly – email

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